Heather Cherry
As a child I was enthralled by mud and things that flew. I remember standing barefoot in wet earth up to my knees, waiting for rain. I can recall creating huge nests, shelters of fallen branches and moss-covered stones, and the joy of walking through furrowed fields in autumn to find milkweed pods, so I could crack them open and watch the feathered seeds soar. This is where my passion to create began…
Tattered paper, weathered stone, contrasts and subtleties, spaces between, beeswax and salt, wood smoke and fireflies… All of these have been gathered and woven into a life of making something you could wrap yourself in, climb into, or simply hold in the palm of your hand. My hope is to inspire, through assembled bits of things collected, a simple moment that makes you pause and consider fragile discoveries, and that which you know. And perhaps, one day, run unabashedly after all that you love…